A key part of medicines optimisation is to prevent serious adverse drug reactions and ensure patients receive the right medication at the right dose at the right time. To achieve this healthcare professionals currently use a trial and error approach. Within the population 4 out of 5 patients are likely to carry a genetic variant affecting their ability to metabolise or tolerate a commonly prescribed medication. Pharmacogenetics refers to the role of inherited genetic variation from both DNA and the mitochondrial genome, which can help clinicians identify the variability of response and pre-emptively identify those likely to have a serious adverse drug reaction.
Pharmacogenetics has entered some clinical areas as part of routine care, such as oncology, HIV, some neonatal centres, neurology e.g. multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular centres e.g., cardiomyopathy. However, the role of pharmacogenetics will soon have an impact on commonly prescribed medications. This means that all healthcare professionals and service providers need to be aware of the educational and training requirements and the impact pharmacogenetics will have within clinical pathways.